https://www.asialink-tech.com/custom_136305.html 聯絡資訊 聯絡資訊 聯絡資訊:Taiwan: 聯亞國際科技股份有限公司聯絡人:蔡先生/Peter24158 新北市三重區興德路98號13樓 TEL: 886-2-8511-1101                 peter@asialink-tech.com China: 東莞市聯安科技有限公司聯絡人:蔡先生/Peter東莞市長安鎮錦廈河西工業區河西路43號TEL: +86-769-81551606             peter@asialink-tech.com 以下為聯亞LINE官方帳號:     也可以透過微信跟我們聯繫:
https://www.asialink-tech.com/custom_95134.html 新產品開發 新產品開發 Our New Product Development service can be tailored to your unique needs. Some customers come to us with the outline of an idea and, in these cases, we undertake the whole project – from concept through to manufacturing. Other customers have their own team of designers and are keen to retain ownership of the core element of the design but want our help on specific elements of the design such as Mechanical or Firmware development. Whatever range of services you require, our process starts with understanding your requirements, defining the solution design, project planning, prototype evaluation, system integration and product quality validation.Need an integrated solution?Contact Us today to speak to one of our global specialists.
https://www.asialink-tech.com/custom_94234.html 認證與專利 認證與專利 ISO 9001:2015D&B D-U-N-S RegisteredISO14001:2015
https://www.asialink-tech.com/custom_95131.html 售後服務 售後服務 Our comprehensive After Market Services (AMS) enable us to support our customers globally with their reverse logistics and repair requirements. We receive constant feedback from our customers that our ability to support their end customers, and to resolve issues in the field, makes a huge difference to their competitiveness in the market. They particularly value the fact that we can provide local technical support in Taiwan and China for products that have been produced in Asia. This service can remove the need for customers to redirect all products to the original manufacturing site for repair, upgrade or modification and ensures a rapid response and swift solution to any issues. We also use this quick feedback loop to improve the design and/or the manufacturing process – further upgrading the quality and reliability of the product. Need an integrated solution?Contact Us today to speak to one of our global specialists.
https://www.asialink-tech.com/ 聯亞國際科技股份有限公司